Allow Yourself To Stop Watching Netflix And See What Happens

Erry Plaisimond
2 min readAug 21, 2020
by tumsasedgars from Getty Images

When I first decided to stop watching Netflix for hours during quarantine, resentment set in.

The first few days were the worst. I was like an addict experiencing withdrawal symptoms. I had to fight so hard to resist the urge of opening that web browser. I honestly hated it. I felt like I was missing out on my favorite shows. But I persisted and stayed away.

I started working on some personal projects and goals I have been putting aside for months. I started reading books and took a couple of online classes. I also started to build a new website and learned how to leverage Facebook ads to make money.

It was amazing how much more time I had to work on my personal growth. I used to complain about being so busy, not realizing I was wasting countless hours watching stupid shows on Netflix.

This was not the end of my problems, though. The temptations of Netflix and prime video were getting so out of control, I had to take some drastic measures.

I was reticent at first and fought making the decision for a couple days. However, I remembered this amazing quote by Roy T. Bennet

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begin at the end of your comfort zone”

So, guess what? I cancelled my memberships from all the streaming services I was registered to.

This was probably one of the hardest decisions I have ever made since Netflix, Hulu and Prime Video have been such a big part of my daily life for so long. However, it is definitely one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Since I decided to cut off all these distractions and left my comfort zone. My productivity level went through the roof. I built an entire e-commerce website from scratch, learned to do social media marketing, and I felt so content and accomplished at the end.

Through this experience, I realized sometimes it is better to cut off distractions completely from your life instead of fighting the temptations they inflict on us on daily basis. It is an exhausting exercise that only brings more unnecessary frustrations.

Comfort has this surreal ability to pulverize our true potential. When we are too comfortable, we have the tendency to become complacent and miss out on countless opportunities to grow and become a better and more accomplished human being.

Therefore, don’t be afraid to step out your comfort zone. In fact, I urge you to do so because this is where growth happens. I can’t promise you it is an easy exercise, but It is certainly a rewarding one.



Erry Plaisimond

Self Employed| Freelancer| Entrepreneur| I am a life long learner and an eternal optimist